Wednesday, June 8, 2011

A Cute Hat

Today I needed to go to the post office to drop off a batch of completed thank you notes (Look for yours in the mail.), and I decided that the post office is much to close to drive to when it is the only errand that we needed to run. Now I know that it is extremely hot outside and I know that I have a young baby, but sometimes a girl just has to get outside and since Van is out of town, Karis and I are in it together 24 hours a day. Yesterday I stayed inside most of the day, but today I was getting out. So I sunscreened the girl, put her in light airy clothing and a hat and we set out. And I will say she looked adorable.

We (well mainly I made the decision) decided to walk over and visit Sarah and Simon so that they could walk with us, so we walked to their house, the post office and back, which can't be more than half a mile. However, Karis looked beat, but still adorable.
Karis's day ended with a visit to Aunt Katie and Uncle Zach's to see how their house was coming along now that they are settling in. Karis got all ready for bed at their house and Aunt Katie even got to give her her nighttime bottle. Have I mentioned how excited I am that they live so close to us?

Katie probably won't love the picture, but I just can't help but share it.

I think I probably started the post with a certain air of a good story. Sorry, just wanted to share pictures of my girl. Nothing interesting to tell. Maybe tomorrow. Until then...

1 comment:

Kristin said...

sorry, I can't seem to figure out what is going on with the font color