Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Good Morning

Kare is getting very good at waking up in a good mood. She usually greets me with smiles and coos as long as I don't wait too long to go get her (that sometimes happens if she wakes up before 7). Definitely for me the hardest adjustment to parenthood is the lack of sleep! What can I say, I LOVE to sleep. Anyone who has ever lived with me can testify!

This morning she greeted me sweetly at 7:30, but I promptly ran off to get the camera. The reason? This is the exact opposite direction in which we put her down. When I checked on her the last time before going to bed, she was on her back with her head facing the other direction. Little girl really gets around these days!

1 comment:

Sarah Autry said...

I showed Garland these pictures and he said, "oh my gosh, look how big she looks compared to when we first met her! it's like she's three years old already!"
He is obviously clueless about child development.