Saturday, December 3, 2011

Thankful--Nov. 26

Christmas trees and good return policies.

Last year the middle strand of lights went out on our pre-lit Christmas tree, so we decided that it would be the perfect time to start getting real trees. However, when we really began to think about all of the work a real tree entails, we decided it was more trouble than its worth until Karis can enjoy it.

We went shopping for a new tree. After a few stops we settled on one and brought it home to get it put up.

I took lots of pictures of our girl with her first Christmas tree, only this one didn't turn out to be hers.

She seemed concerned about how it was going to become a tree.

Once we got it up we found a problem, the middle strand of lights was out on this one too. The problem with this is that not only would we have to get the thing back into the tiny box it came in, but it was 8:00 at night (very close to closing time) and raining like crazy. We really wanted to get our tree together though.

Van worked for probably and hour to try and get those crazy lights to work (K went to bed) and then finally decided to just take it back. He took it back and returned with an unlit tree; we have learned our lesson on the pre-lit variety, at least this way its easy to replace if a strand goes out. We got it put together and then called it a night.

Van spent a lot of time on Sunday putting on the lights (apparently the lights are the man's job in his family, and who am I to argue!), and we put on the ornaments--my favorite part! I love that ornaments are a yearly walk down memory lane. That's why I like for trees to just be traditional and not perfect, I just want it to be about the family time and memories.

We finally finished it on Monday when I put on some ribbon and Van and K added the star. I'm considering adding some garland with lettering on it, but that would require me finishing a project, so probably not.

I am thankful for Christmas trees and the memories and warmth that they bring to a home. Just one more reason why this time of year is so magical.

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