Saturday, July 30, 2011


Thank you all for your prayers yesterday as we just waited. The hearing went well. No one showed claiming to be her birthfather, which makes me reconsider the word choice "well." Adoption is filled with so much joy and pain commingled. It was incredible the giant weight that lifted when we got the email telling us we were in the clear. I mean I knew I was concerned, but I really had no idea how great of a fear I had until it was gone! So, we got that past us and then we put Van on a plane to Poland for the week. You know we like to exchange one stressor for another around here. I am really excited for him. It is a trip through work to visit a ministry that they support. He will have a great time, but we'll miss him. The GREAT news is that we pick Adrienne up from the airport tonight and she will be staying with us. I can't think of anyone better to fill up the empty space in our house. AND, she'll finally get to meet Kare! So excited! Thanks again for you support this week!

1 comment:

Adrienne said...

Woo woo!!! So glad to be sitting on your couch with you and loving on Karis in real life.