Wednesday started out pretty rocky with baby girl having a 103 fever all night long. First thing Wed. morning, we made a doctor's appt. She had been fighting a cold for about two weeks. Just as we thought she was finally getting better, her temp spiked and she was FUSSY! Turned out to be an ear infection.
As soon as we were done at the doctor, we headed to Mom and Dad's house where the extended fam (that was in town) was going to be gathering for a night together.
K was pretty clingy and fussy, but I'm glad all of that side of the family got to meet and spend some time with her. For once she wasn't the smallest baby around.
We all got to meet sweet Hudson (her probably 4th cousin, I can't keep up). The last time we saw him, he was in his mom's belly.
Check out the Little People the kids are playing with. Those were mine. You can't get them like that anymore. I think they may now be considered a choking hazard, but my kids will play with them. They were much loved toys.
I think this is the first time we have all gotten together since several babies were born. It was fun to see everyone as a parent now. That is one of the beautiful things about family. We've seen each other in every stage of life. I'm excited for our kids to grow up in such a loving albeit crazy family.
I am thankful for my husband and the way he desires to fix anything that goes wrong in our house. On that day he spent a significant amount of time under the house and in the bathroom trying to unclog our drain (Darn old pipes! It was a chain! A chain? How does that happen?). Whether it is something with our house, a friend's house, or the house of single girls down the street, he desires to help and FIX the problem. I love my handyman!
Daddy's little helper watching him get the job done.
I'm thankful for game nights with Katie and Zach. Most every Sunday night they come over to hang out and most importantly play games. We love the weekly time to spend with them, even if Zach makes us play Settlers almost every week! (kidding Zach) Love you guys!
*No, I haven't forgotten about my Thanksgiving challenge. I am just waiting on the ability to get my pictures from my camera to my computer and I will catch up. I promise.
In the meantime, there is something that has really been on my mind lately. How we spend our money, especially at Christmas time.
One of my favorite bloggers (Kristen at Rage Against the Minivan) has been writing about this recently. It is a topic that I become more convicted about every year. What does the money that I spend support? I mean, in order for me to get a good deal on something, am I supporting child slavery or unfair wages in another part of the world? The most likely answer is yes.
This is a tough pill to swallow for someone like me. I'm on a tight budget, I LOVE saving money, HATE spending money, but LOVE giving gifts to those I love all throughout the year, not just at Christmas. So you can see my dilema when I want to support good fair wages and quality products which in turn cost more (rightly so).
I would say that this particular topic is so hard for me because it touches a borderline idol in my life of saving money. I am uncomfortable when we take any money out of our savings account for any reason whatsoever, even if it is what we were saving for. Example: our adoption. We saved for years with our adoption in mind, but it stung a little to take it all out. (I'm not saying it wasn't worth it at all! I'm only trying to point out my twisted need for monetary cushion.) And since then, it has been my goal to build it back up which makes me stingy and altogether ungenerous--sinful attitudes!
It is a hard line, the line between being responsible with our finances by buying things at the lowest price, or being responsible with our finances by supporting good things with our purchases.
I have used a lot of I and My when referring to the money in our possession, but that is really wrong isn't it? It isn't mine. I am just a steward of it. It is God's. Everything I own is God's. So I have a responsibility to use it in a way that will bring Him the most glory.
I've made a list of a few places to shop that are not only fair trade, but they also have a greater goal in mind. Check them out when doing your shopping. If I'm on your Christmas list, get me something from here. If you are on mine and see something you like, let me know. I want the gifts I give to honor where my money went, but also want the receiver to LOVE it.
My link to Kristen's blog has LOTS of places to shop...I'm not going to re-link those.
My thoughtful husband who knew I was going stir-crazy in the house with our sick baby, so he came home a little early and sent me out to run errands. He sacrificed for me even though he is busy at work and worked hard all day long. He came home, took care of our sick baby AND made dinner. Thanks Van!
Isn't that crazy! She spent the day feeling pretty crummy. She has a low grade fever, runny nose, and a serious cough. Means she just wanted to sit with mom all day. There are worse things in life than your baby needing you, but the reason was just sad.
A little about her right now:
She is a chunk! She is ticklish--and laughs and laughs when you tickle under her arms. She now says da-da-da and na-na-na, but still doesn't know what she is saying. She is getting better at eating puffs and is still a master of the cup. Anything with much texture makes her gag. She can get up on all fours and rocks, but still doesn't go anywhere. She is grabby! Just yesterday she broke her first plate. I was sure that she couldn't reach it, but I was wrong. Its getting hard to change her diaper...she's a wiggle worm.
I'll upload pictures later...I'm too lazy to find the camera...
Today I was thankful for timely phone calls (or texts).
I was having a less than great day and an even worse attitude. My sweet friend Sarah (who shows up regularly on the blog) texted (I've never understood or embraced that verb) right as I was about to go into a huge pity party (for no reason I might add) to see if I wanted to go for a walk. It was exactly what I needed. Thank you Lord for friends. Thank you Sarah for impeccable timing!
Yesterday I was thankful but tired, so I went to bed.
I am thankful for my church family. I was especially thankful yesterday. It was celebration Sunday for our 8 year anniversary AND they announced a new plan to help the children in the foster care system. SO exciting to see our church doing something about the actual problems in our city.
Tonight we had some friends over for dinner. They are relatively new to Memphis and we just spent the evening getting to know each other a little better.
Today I am thankful that Karis is attached to me. It was a rough day, as she spent all day with a sore mouth. She was whiny and clingy and at times I just wanted her to be able to sit alone or with someone else. The thing is, she doesn't feel very good and she just wants her Mama, and that is me. I am the person that brings her comfort. What a gift. I will admit sometimes it can be overwhelming to have a bit of a leach, but I wouldn't trade it for the world. I know that in a very short amount of time she'll be too big to want to cuddle and give me kisses, so for now I'll soak it all in. She's attached and so am I!
Today I am thankful that I get to experience all of Karis' milestones. Today her bottom teeth finally popped through. You can't see them yet, but you can feel them. I was the first person to notice, because I am her mom. I am so blessed to be able to spend my days with my sweet child. I am thankful for experiencing milestones.
It's November! My favorite month! I love November because its fall, my birthday, and the beginning of the holiday season. I love all of the excitement and family time and food. I love the excuse to start thinking about those we love and what we would like to give them. I LOVE it! However, I can get so caught up in the activities and people that it is easy to overlook the reason for the holidays.
I will spend the month of November being thankful. Every day during this month I will post one thing I'm thankful for. It may be just one sentence or a whole story, or just a picture, but I want to make sure and align my heart to thankfulness. I usually don't do these kinds of things because they can be cheesy, but sometimes its really good to put aside your pride and just embrace it, so i will.
November 1--Grace
My day started with me receiving the news that a former acquaintance has been found in very serious, very hurtful sin, and I have spent the rest of the day thinking about it. Actually as I write this that person is on the news leaving the courthouse where they were for a hearing. Interestingly enough, my initial reaction wasn't outrage; it was more of a deep sadness. I hurt because he has been hiding this for a very long time. I'm thankful that it came out, because in the light, in the truth, comes healing. I pray that he has people around him that are walking through this with him; holding him accountable for his actions and calling him to repentance.
I spent some time this afternoon reading all of the articles on the internet about it--I know, bad habit, but I just can't help myself--and I can't get over all of the reactions. The reality of the situation is that not but for the grace of God any of us could be in a similar predicament. And really, really, there isn't a big difference between his sin and my own sin of discontentment or selfishness. All say that God is not enough. That is the root of all sin isn't it? Really not believing that God is where we will find true peace and contentment.
So today I have been reminded of the ugliness of my sin, and today, I am thankful for grace. That even though I am a mess, God sent his perfect Son so that I can have a relationship with Him. hard to good!